Diagnosing Melanoma
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Diagnosing Melanoma - Carlsbad/Encinitas in San Diego County
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Early Detection Should Be Everyone's Goal
What Causes Melanoma?
- The majority of melanoma cases are attributable to UV exposureTanning beds
- Genetics
- Experiencing five or more blistering sunburns between ages 15 and 20 increases one’s melanoma risk by 80 percent.
Detecting Melanoma
- If you notice a mole on your skin, you should follow the ABCDE rule, which outlines the warning signs of melanoma:
- Asymmetry: One half does not match the other half.
- Border irregularity: The edges are ragged, notched or blurred.
- Color: The pigmentation is not uniform. Different shades of tan, brown or black are often present. Dashes of red, white, and blue can add to the mottled appearance.
- Diameter: While melanomas are usually greater than 6mm in diameter when diagnosed, they can be smaller.
- Evolving: The mole or skin lesion looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or color.
Source: American Academy of Dermatology
Melanoma Prevention
Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays is one of the most effective ways to prevent all forms of skin cancer, including melanoma. Protecting your skin from excess UV ray exposure can include:
- Finding a shady area. The sun’s UV rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in San Diego.
- Finding a shady area to sit back and relax can make all the difference in your skin’s health.
- Wear protective clothing. Consider wearing breathable long sleeve shirts, pants, sunglasses, and wide-brimmed hats when out in the sun for long periods of time.
- Use high-quality SPF. Using medical-grade sunscreen that is broad-spectrum, water-resistant, and has an SPF of 30 or higher will be most effective in preventing skin cancer. We recommend checking out our shop (LINK) for SPF that you can wear each day and bring to days at the beach.
- Avoid tanning beds. UV light doesn’t just come from the sun. Tanning beds can also cause skin cancer and early signs of aging. Instead, we recommend our patients consider artificial tanners.
Diagnosing Melanoma
The Science Behind Your Confidence.
Personalized Plans Tailored To Your Skin
At Glow Theory Aesthetic & Dermatology Studio, we believe in using the power of science to help fuel our patients’ confidence. We also believe that each of our patient’s skin and bodies are as unique as their personality. For that reason, we are proud to provide each patient with an individual melanoma diagnoses. Our medical professionals use the advanced VISIA® skin analysis system in addition to skin cancer screening to capture high-quality images of your skin and assess your problem areas for the ultimate melanoma treatment regimen. Because prevention is key and melanoma can be dangerous, our medical team is happy to provide you with the resources you need to keep your skin healthy and radiant.
Sources: American Academy of Dermatology and American Academy of Dermatology

More About Melanoma
Exposure to UV radiation is the number one cause of melanoma, and some people have a hereditary defect that increases their risk. Melanoma tends to run in families, and people who have at least two close relatives with the disease are at an increased risk of developing it.
Fortunately, it is possible to find and treat melanoma at an early stage. The key is to regularly examine your skin, both on a yearly basis and monthly. Your provider can test your blood for a protein called lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), which may be a sign of melanoma. If the cancer caught early, it has the best prognosis.
If melanoma found in a child, treatment can include removing the melanoma. A provider may perform a biopsy of the affected area, removing a thin margin of normal skin around the tumor. This sample then examined under a microscope to determine if all the melanoma cells have removed. If they are not, the provider may recommend surgery or chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a type of treatment that kills cancer cells by stopping them from dividing. The medicine administered through the bloodstream, and some of it given through the mouth.
Another warning sign of melanoma is the appearance of a new mole. Melanomas often spread to other parts of the body. If you see a new mole that is growing or has irregular edges, you should visit your GP as soon as possible.
Melanoma is a cancer caused by changes to a person’s genes. These changes can occur at random within a cell or can be a result of an external cause. The DNA of skin cells damaged by ultraviolet rays and the resulting mutations can affect the genes that control the growth and development of the cells. When these damaged genes multiply in an individual’s body, they can transform into cancer cells.
Melanomas can occur anywhere on the skin and are more likely to start on the trunk or legs in men than in women. However, they can also occur on the face or neck. People with melanoma often experience symptoms such as pain in the chest, coughing, bone pain, or breathlessness. People with a family history of melanoma should get regular checks to ensure that they aren’t developing new moles.
If you think you have an increased risk of developing melanoma, consult a dermatologist for advice. Specialist providers (dermatologists or clinical geneticists) can take your family history and determine if you have any specific genes for the condition. They will also help you determine if a genetic test would be helpful.
Recent genome-wide analyses have identified common low-penetrance polymorphisms that are associated with a higher risk of melanoma. Many of these genes grouped into two distinct categories: pigmentation genes and naevus genes. Other genes involved in telomere biology and neural disease may also increase the risk of melanoma.
Depending on the stage of melanoma, providers may use one of several treatment methods. Surgery is one option and may combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Other treatment options include immunotherapy and targeted therapies. In rare cases, patients may also recommend to take part in clinical trials.
If the melanoma is small and localized, the primary treatment is excisional surgery. The amount of tissue that needs to remove will depend on the thickness of the lesion. Most melanomas are less than 1 mm in thickness, so they can usually remove during outpatient surgery. However, providers will typically need to remove healthy tissue surrounding the tumor to ensure that the tumor completely removed. In some cases, a sentinel lymph node biopsy will require.
Another method of treating melanoma is to use a targeted therapy. This type of therapy targets the specific genes and proteins that cause the cancer cells to grow and spread. It also limits the amount of damage to healthy cells. Ongoing research has identified specific genes and pathways that contribute to melanoma growth and progression, allowing providers to tailor treatment plans for each patient.
Another procedure for assessing the extent of melanoma spread is a PET-CT scan, which combines a standard CT scan. Although this test is expensive, medical aids usually cover the costs of this procedure if it proven that the cancer has spread to a sentinel lymph node. The PET-CT scan also allows physicians to assess the internal organs, which is not possible with a standard CT scan.
If you’re battling melanoma, you need to know how fast it spreads. Most cancers that start on the skin are curable, but the disease can quickly spread throughout the body. Luckily, there’s a cure for this deadly cancer. But it’s important to understand that if you’re not diagnosed in the early stages, you could still be at high risk for brain metastasis.
Although melanoma can spread quickly, the timeline depends on the type and stage of melanoma, as well as a person’s overall health. If the disease caught early, you can often treat it with minor surgery. Once it’s reached the lymph nodes, the cancer can spread to the blood vessels and organs.
Melanoma can spread rapidly from skin to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. It can become life-threatening in as little as six weeks after first detection. It can cause havoc on other organs, such as the liver and brain. The first stage of the disease begins as a rash, sore, bump, or scab and can spread quickly throughout the body.
In addition to skin checks, a dermatologist can run blood and imaging tests to determine if melanoma has spread. These tests can include MRI scans, CAT scans, and x-rays.
If you’re noticing changes in your skin, it might be a sign that you have a melanoma. Some of these changes include new itching and a change in color or size. Itching may also be associated with new bleeding. In some cases, melanoma will appear red and start to bleed.
The symptoms of melanoma vary from person to person, but they are generally related to how advanced the cancer is. A mole can change texture or become hard or lumpy, and the surrounding skin may be rough. Some people find the affected area irritated or even painful.
Other causes of itching moles include exposure to certain chemicals, dry skin, or peeling skin. In some cases, an itchy mole may be indicative of something else and require immediate attention. A dermatologist can help determine whether your mole is a cancerous growth. Itching could also cause by chemicals found in body lotion or sun exposure.
The size and shape of a mole may also be signs of melanoma. A typical melanoma is bigger than six millimeters in diameter, although some may be smaller than that. A melanoma may have a border that is uneven or ragged. It may also be different colors than the surrounding skin.
Itching skin lesions are not necessarily dangerous, but if they become multiple, itchiness is a sign of non-melanoma skin cancer.
The main form of melanoma treatment involves surgical removal of the melanoma and affected tissue from the skin. It often performed with a general or local anesthetic. In advanced stages, it may require the removal of lymph nodes. The patient must undergo regular examinations to monitor the progress of the cancer.
Radiotherapy is another form of treatment that destroys cancer cells. Radiation targeted to the cancer cells in a patient’s body, but is not harmful to healthy tissue. This type of treatment usually given one hour a day for a few weeks. The number of visits depends on the size and location of the melanoma and the general health of the patient. The procedure is painless and does not leave patients radioactive. Patients are usually able to remain with their loved ones during the procedure.
Early detection and treatment is essential to limiting the spread of the disease. The best way to detect the presence of melanoma is by getting your skin examined regularly by a dermatologist. This way, you’ll avoid the risk of developing further melanomas. Also, it is important to note that the tests that identify melanoma take a few days to come back. If you’ve had any suspicious patches on your skin, talk to your provider or a family member. They can provide support and advice. The provider may prescribe a course of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or immunotherapy to control the cancer.
Survival rates of melanoma are better in women than men. More than 80 percent of Victorians survive five years after their melanoma diagnosis. However, this figure is not age-standardized, and the exact numbers depend on the patient’s age. However, the outlook for each patient is different. For instance, men have a lower survival rate than women, and young people have a better outlook. Furthermore, the type and location of the cancer also affects survival.
If you suspect you may have melanoma, the first step is to seek medical attention. A provider can order a biopsy of your lymph nodes to check for any signs of the disease. A provider may recommend certain treatments, such as targeted therapy, to fight the cancer while sparing normal cells. This treatment is usually successful in early-stage melanoma, and it may not require surgery. However, if the cancer has spread, you will probably need ongoing treatment.
After a diagnosis of melanoma, you will need regular checkups. Depending on the stage of the disease, you may need chest x-rays, CT/PET scans, or MRIs. You should also learn how to do a self-exam. This will include checking your lymph nodes and other areas around your body. Getting regular checkups will also decrease the chance of recurrences of melanoma.
While most melanoma caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, it can affect other areas of your body without exposed to sunlight. Wearing protective clothing and wearing sunscreen daily can help prevent melanoma. Early detection is essential to ensuring successful treatment.
It is important to monitor your skin for any changes, especially if you have a family history of melanoma. In addition to having a professional skin checkup each year, you should also be on the lookout for new moles on your skin. Most new moles will appear during your childhood years and throughout your twenties and thirties. It is possible to develop melanoma in adulthood as well.
Melanomas often have irregular, uneven borders and a dark or patchy color. The border may also be irregular, notched, or blurred. A melanoma’s color will vary from brown to black. It may also have white patches. The symptoms of melanomas depend on its stage and location.
The size of a melanoma mole is a good indicator of its progression. It will likely be larger than a quarter of an inch in diameter. The color and appearance of a melanoma mole may also change over time. If a melanoma grows rapidly, its border may be irregular, notched, or scalloped.
Melanoma can develop on any part of the body, but it is most common on the face, legs, and chest. Men are more likely than women to develop melanoma on their chest, back, and legs. The appearance of a melanoma may be brown, black, red, or gray. It can also be patchy or raised. Most melanomas are not malignant, but can be difficult to diagnose.
Lentiginous melanomas are often hard to detect, appearing as a dark patch in hard-to-reach places. Bob Marley, the late singer, and songwriter, diagnosed with this type of melanoma. The singer mistakenly attributed a dark patch under his toenail to a soccer injury, but it was a malignant melanoma. This type of melanoma accounts for 10 to 15 percent of all cases.